For Perfectly Creamy Scrambled Eggs With Milk and Cornstarch

Mastering the art of making perfectly creamy scrambled eggs can be challenging, resulting in eggs ranging from poor to mediocre. Cooking over low heat takes too long, while cooking over high heat can result in a lumpy mass of dry and unpleasant eggs. Fortunately, there is a simple two-part solution that gives you the perfect meal in minutes.

Low fire and patience are two words often associated with making the perfect creamy scrambled eggs. Many recipes require 10 to 45 minutes of constant attention, combined with a rigorous stirring and cooking regimen. You can see how easy it would be to give up this technique and settle for an imperfect fight.

So what about the high temperature? Cooking scrambled eggs over high heat can set the egg whites, squeezing out precious moisture as the egg is cooked. Finished eggs will be hard and dry.

Food writer Lady and Pups Mandy has a robust solution:

By simply adding a little mixture of milk and potato starch (or cornstarch), the water forcibly binds to the protein, even when cooked over high heat, which solves the problem of watery eggs. Better yet, it also creates a creamy and choux texture with chunks of beaten eggs that are not fully cooked as if, YES, they were cooked slowly over low heat!

For each egg, beat 1/2 tablespoon of milk and 1/2 + 1/8 teaspoon of potato or cornstarch in the gruel. Be sure to check out Mandy’s article below for the complete recipe.

Creamy Scrambled Eggs Magic 15 Seconds | Lady and puppies


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