Most Viewed Posts This Week: February 6-13

This week we looked at the amazing benefits of role playing , learned to code , learned a few truths about fitness, and improved our self-image . Here’s a look back.

The Amazing Benefits of RPGs (and Where to Start)

When you hear about RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons , you’re probably thinking of a dimly lit basement filled with people in silly clothes throwing dice, but that’s not all. RPGs are not only incredibly fun, but they can teach you skills that you will use in the real world.

10 best ways to learn to program

Programming is one of the most valuable skills you can acquire these days, whether for a career or to train your mind and create something amazing. If you’re just starting your coding journey, here are ten tips and resources to help you get on the right foot.

Four harsh truths that will make you a healthier person

If you are completely satisfied with your health, do not read this article. It’s not for you. Pat yourself on the shoulder and get rid of the scrolling. As for the rest, approach what I’m about to say with an open mind and you might be able to come out of it as a healthier person.

Four phrases we all say but should be removed from our vocabulary

You’re probably saying things about yourself that you don’t really mean, like laughing at your own laziness or asking for opinions that don’t really matter. Unfortunately, the more you talk to them, the more power they have over you. Here are four phrases to watch out for.

How to Install Free Effective Antivirus Software (For Beginners)

Anyone who runs a Windows computer knows how important it is to have good antivirus software, but you don’t have to pay for good protection! If someone you know still doesn’t have antivirus software running, here’s a quick guide you can send to help them set it up.

The toilet paper that makes the most money

When you’re in business, it’s good to know you have the best toilet paper for the best price. After extensive research and testing, it has been found that these are the best sheets for your back.

Create a minimal wardrobe with these must-haves

You don’t need a lot of clothes to look great every day. Organizing your wardrobe with only the clothes you actually wear will actually save you time and stress. Here are some tips for men and women on the essentials.

What to do if your social security number is stolen by a hack

Health insurance company Anthem lost over 80 million medical records last week, including sensitive information such as social security numbers, email and physical addresses, and more. The fallout has already begun: Anthem customers have been bombarded with phishing attacks . If you’re an Anthem customer or just worried about the next hack, here’s what you need to do to protect yourself.

12 questions to ask at your next interview

Interviewing is a two-way street, and while a prospective employer usually spends most of the interview time asking you questions, it’s a good idea to ask some questions yourself. 99u has 12 questions to ask.

Keep the relationship strong by avoiding bargaining thinking

You probably know that a lasting relationship is all about giving and going, but recent research demonstrates how easy it is to take too much, especially when you think your partner is happier than they really are.

Kitchen Tool School: All About The Amazing Cast Iron Frying Pan

If it wasn’t already clear from the title of this blog, we love pans, especially cast iron pans. If you don’t have one, or (or haven’t used yours yet), this is why you should start cooking with it regularly.

Mark the doses on your prescription bottles so you know if you have been taking the medicine

The medicine heals you, but only if you take it – and we sometimes forget everything. If you can’t remember if you took the medication (or gave it to a child or pet), mark the schedule right on the bottle.

What hiring managers really want to know about you

When the interviewer asks you about himself, of course he wants to know about your previous experience and qualifications , but this is only a part. They really try to gauge a lot of factors when considering you for the job, like how well you fit for the company and more.

How to know if your IP address is leaking over the VPN (and how to stop it)

VPNs are great for security, but one of the main reasons many people use them is to mask or change their IP address. This allows you to bypass location-based content restrictions or check if your ISP is restricting your connection. Unfortunately, a new security flaw can reveal your real IP address to prying eyes, even if you are using a VPN and is easy to use. Here’s how it works and what you can do about it.


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