See How Your Net Worth Compares Against Different Age Groups

We know that equity capital is an important metric in personal finance. And, yes, personal finance is all it takes to track your own financial path. But sometimes it’s interesting to see how you confront others. With this simple calculator, you can see how your net worth percentile is estimated based on age.

At First Quarter Finance, blogger Will Lipovski lists several resources to see how your net worth compares to others. The best calculator he recommends can be found on the Shnugi financial site. It’s pretty straightforward and uses data from the 2013 Federal Reserve Consumer Finance Survey . So it only works for US rankings.

Just enter your net worth and your age or age group you want to compare yourself with. Click “Submit” and the results will show you your rating. For instance:

To verify this, click on the link below. And for more details on how to determine your net worth percentile, check out Lipovsky’s post below.

Net Asset Percentile Calculator | Cords through First Quarter Finance


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