How the Raspberry Pi 2 Performs Versus Older Models

We know the Raspberry Pi 2 is faster on paper , but if you’re curious about the actual benchmark results, Hackaday put the Pi 2 to the test and compared it to Model B +.

Simple use of the Raspberry Pi 2 seems to be much faster, but if you want to see the actual numbers, Hackaday has done several benchmarks including Double Precision Linpack, Dhrystone, OpenGL, and more. Besides comparing it to the Model B +, they also compared it to the BeagleBone Black. Their output is almost the same as ours:

The original Raspberry Pi was an interesting educational tool, but not a usable computer. I have been using the Raspi 1 as my workstation for about a week. It was slow and terrible. The Raspberry Pi 2 is ideal for use as a small, cheap and portable desktop system, and the extra power opens up several possibilities for what is possible with a $ 35 computer.

Visit Hackaday for all the details.

Raspberry Pi 2 Testing | Hackaday


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