12 Questions to Ask at Your Next Interview

Interviewing is a two-way street, and while a prospective employer usually spends most of the interview time asking you questions, it’s a good idea to ask some questions yourself. 99u has 12 questions to ask.

Determining if a company is right for you is harder than it sounds. Here are some questions to help you figure it out:

  1. Most importantly, what are you working on now?
  2. How is this work currently being done?
  3. What can I do immediately to make your job easier?
  4. What is your morning schedule and what time do you wake up in the morning?
  5. If I could free up time for you to do something, what would you do with that free time, personally or professionally?
  6. What else are you studying right now?
  7. What would your last five employees say about the company?
  8. Who have you hired lately and why haven’t you been able to recruit?
  9. How would you feel about me taking risks and experimenting with new processes if the results of my work showed up and improved over time?
  10. What is the biggest obstacle you face in this position?
  11. To be honest, what is the most doubtful thing about adding me to your team, and what can I do to make it easier?
  12. What could I do to please or surprise you?

Obviously, you don’t want to ask all of these questions, but it’s good to have a few in stock to get the most out of your interview. If that’s not enough, there are five more worthwhile questions to ask. Go to the 99u website to find out more about the reasons for each question.

12 Questions to Ask Your Future Employer | 99u


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