Keep Your Personal Finances in Check With Weekly “cash Dates”

If you can’t afford a personal financial planner, the only person who can get your money in order is you. By setting weekly “money dates”, you can develop a healthy financial habit by making budgeting a little more fun.

Spending money is usually not very fun, even if it is an important part of your personal safety. Dating is usually pretty fun, though, and financial planner Brittney Castro suggests you set up weekly “money dates” to get you on the right foot:

During a money date, pay your bills (although most should be set to pay automatically), update and check your budget, and take care of any other financial concerns. By calling this money-allotted time “dating,” you can begin to bring fun and exciting elements into your financial life that will help you stay true in the long run and really show your money a little extra worries.

Examine your finances with simultaneous rewards so that it doesn’t feel like a chore, but more of a fun one. Watch a movie, listen to your favorite jams, or find out your finances at your favorite restaurant or cafe. Sometimes it’s just better to be aware of how you are spending your money. If you are like me, it is not easy to develop good money habits, but it is never too late to start creating good money habits.

3 Secrets to a Healthy Relationship with Money | Mint


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