Review Your Past Successes to Stay Motivated During Difficult Times

There are many times in life when it will be difficult for you to stay motivated, for example, in a tough job search . Don’t be discouraged by reminding yourself of times in the past when you might have taken up the challenge and moved forward.

Jenny Foss, writing for Muse, explains why this is important:

Sometimes, in panic and despair, we forget how tough and powerful we were in overcoming an earlier curve, mess, or puzzle. Realizing that you’ve done this before will help you remind yourself that you can – and will – endure that too.

These memories serve as proof that you can handle your job search and come out on top. Use them as a mental uplifting conversation to keep you focused on your goal. More tips on how to make your job search less stressful can be found in the full post at the link below.

5 Ways To Stay Positive When Job Search Makes You Cry and Give Up | Muse


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