Make a Mini Foundry for a Cheap One That Can Melt Soda Cans

Whether you have a surplus of soda cans or are just looking for a fun project to work with, this mini foundry can smelt metal and doesn’t cost much to build.

Smelting things is fun, and this guide and video from Grant Thompson – The King of Chance – gives instructions on how to build your very own smelter in your backyard. You will need several different buckets, some plaster of paris, and some sand. You will also need a sturdy steel crucible cup (Thompson uses the bottom half of an empty fire extinguisher). Barring a crucible and a few random buckets, Thompson assumes that it won’t cost you more than $ 20 to build. Once you’ve got all this set up, you can melt soda cans and other metals and then recycle them into your own forms. This is a pretty big project, requiring some common sense and security, but the end result is amazing. For a more detailed step-by-step guide, visit the link below.

How to make a mini foundry “wiki useful Instructables


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