How to Look at Your Weaknesses Correctly: As the Flip Side of Your Strengths

We all have disadvantages, but we shouldn’t dwell on them. Being flawed in one aspect of your life simply means that you are strong in another.

It’s easy to get frustrated if you focus on all the things that you don’t do well. It’s perfectly okay to have flaws, but if the thought of flaws always upsets you, change the way you view them. Meredith Walters of The Change Blog suggests that flaws are just the flip side of your strengths:

As a born anxious person, I had a hard time understanding how obsession with what could go wrong can be a strong point. But I have found that my anxiety tendencies are directly related to my ability to plan. As a friend recently pointed out, I am very good at logistics. I know exactly what it takes to bring an idea to life. I’ve seen it on myself and others over and over again: those who are worried also tend to make wonderful plans.

As for me, I am fighting execution; I get stuck all the time because I’m afraid that something is not enough. The flip side of this, however, is strength. I always try to give my best, no matter what. So ask yourself what your flaws are and identify the sides of each. Suddenly – as corny as it may sound – your flaws really become your greatest strength. Remember, perspective can change everything.

5 Reasons You Can Be Happy About Your Shortcomings | Changelog


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