Fix a Broken Garage Door Before Calling the Professionals

Garage doors work best when you don’t see them. But when they turn off, you can remain locked in or out of your own home. Here are some tips for troubleshooting your door to save money before contacting the professionals.

Check the remote first. If there is no light on the remote control and the door is powered by a wall switch, check the remote control batteries. Remotes can also get damaged and stop working, so if your battery is ok, check another remote.

If everything is in order, check the door and tracks for dents and damage. A bumper brush or a violent teenager can make a door go off track. You should also check the auto-stop sensors at the base of the door to make sure they are opposite each other. If they are defective, the door will not work.

Finally, inspect the emergency lanyard that hangs from the door bracket. If released, it will disable the door, which is necessary to open the garage door in a power outage, but would otherwise render the door unusable if power is on. Watch the video above to find out more.

5 Simple Tips for Repairing Garage Doors | MyFixitUpLife


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